What happens when you get invited to a special event?
After you get all “dolled up,” do you look in the mirror and realize you look awful?
Does your outfit cling to your body revealing every bulge?
Do you look tired, old or washed out?
Maybe you don’t know what’s wrong.
But you feel, you look bad.
If you leave your home looking like this, everyone will think,
“That poor woman, is over the hill.”
Will they
Feel sorry for you…
Talk about you…
Avoid you…
You say to yourself…
“I must find something else to wear.”
You go to your closet and begin desperately searching.
Before you know it, you have pulled out more than half the clothes in your closet.
Clothes are piled everywhere and now you are running late.
Still you haven’t found the right outfit to wear.
Your heart starts beating faster and you are perspiring profusely as your panic builds.
If you have straight hair it’s hanging limp and wet.
If you have curly hair, it has frizzed up into a wild mass, from perspiration.
Your carefully made up face, is now red and blotchy and your makeup has melted away.
You are a wild woman, as you vainly pull more and more pieces of clothing out of your closet and drawers.
The friend waiting for you outside in the car has begun to impatiently honk the horn.
Or the phone is ringing and the hostess is asking,
“What’s going on, why aren’t you here yet?”
You are in fight or flight mode and can’t talk.
You think to yourself,
”I must find something to wear fast.”
Do you put on that original outfit again and force yourself to leave the house?
Will you hide in a corner, hoping others don’t notice that you are looking fat or frumpy?
Because this has happened before, you know you will be miserable, if you don’t find something to wear that makes you look and feel good.
Do you give up in disgust and call the hostess and say,
“I’m too sick to attend.”
Now you really do feel sick, as your heart beats faster, panic is racing through your body and you can’t stop perspiring.
Maybe your problem isn’t a special event
Maybe it’s facing your closet everyday.
Do you dread trying to find something to wear to work?
You have gained weight.
Your shape has changed.
Your “old faithfuls,” are threadbare.
Or you have a closet stuffed with separates but nothing matches.
Is there something you can do to avoid all of this?
You can call in sick, and hide out while you exercise like crazy, lose a few pounds and then spend lots of money on new clothes.
Even with exercise, weight loss, and new clothes, you will face the same problem, if you don’t learn what colors and styles really flatter you.
You can’t depend on the fashion industry for accurate information on how to choose flattering clothes and accessories.
They are not in the business of teaching you how to understand your unique style.
They want to sell you the latest clothes and accessories.
There is a solution
You can learn to be your own Personal Image Consultant.
Having a closet full of mix and match clothes that all look great on you.
Going shopping and knowing what to buy and what to avoid.
This won’t take thousands of dollars or years to do.
You don’t even have to wait till you lose weight to start looking and feeling better.
And you don’t have to buy a whole new wardrobe of clothes.
You can learn to shop your closet and use what you already have.
Are you ready to learn to be your own “Image Consultant,” and say goodbye to the panic of “Nothing to Wear”?
Contact Personal Image Consultant, Nancy Goldblatt, the “Wardrobe Wizard,” for a 20 minute, no obligation, telephone conversation to see if her reasonably priced services are right for you.
During this conversation, besides a needs assessment, she will give you a brief guided imagery test to help you determine your “inner fashion personality.” By learning about your “fashion personality,” you will be able to avoid purchasing styles you don’t feel comfortable in.
This is the first step in becoming your own Personal Image Consultant.
No need to live in Baltimore, Md. Nancy can now do virtual consults online. Set up an appointment for a complimentary telephone consult to find out how this works. Of course, Nancy is still available in-person for women in Baltimore and surrounding areas.
Contact: Nancy@WardrobeWiz.com, 410-513-9496, blog.wardrobewiz.com
Nancy Goldblatt, “The Wardrobe Wizard,” is a “Color 1,” Personal Image Consultant who specializes in working with “women baby-boomers.” whose size and shape has changed and who have too many clothes and “nothing to wear.” After a woman works with “The Wardrobe Wizard,” she will have a wallet of her best colors and styles, and a pared down closet. She will have learned how to mix and match her best looks so she can get dressed “lickety split,” and look great everyday.
“The Wardrobe Wizard,” also works with younger women and is available to work with men. She was trained by Joanna Nicholson, founder of Color 1 Associates an International Image & Style Company and has over 20 years of experience as a Personal Image Consultant.
Contact her at Nancy@wardrobewiz.com or 410-513-9496
– See more at: http://blog.wardrobewiz.com/nothing-to-wear-panic/#sthash.kr0bVDI3.dpuf