I recently ran into a longtime client of mine. I noticed she looked tired. She was wearing her best clothing colors and I wondered if she had been sick. I looked at her more carefully and realized why she did not look so good.
It was her lipstick color. She told me she could not get her favorite colored lip pencil anymore and settled for something that was similar. She thought it was similar, but it was much too brown and much too dark.
I told her that the brown lip color did not flatter her. It made her teeth look yellow and her lips looked more wrinkled.
I asked her to try an experiment and put on a lipstick I had sold her previously. This lipstick was a more of a” toned down red”. When she put this flattering lip color on, she immediately got her sparkle back.

Brown lipstick will not look good on your unless your lips are naturally brown and your teeth are very white. Cindy Crawford, a Victoria’s Secret Model from the 1990’s, is an example of someone who does look good in brown lipstick.
The makeup industry has been promoting fire engine red lipstick and most recently I have seen ads showing nude color lipstick.
If you look good in “fire engine red lipstick,” you will probably not look good in nude or brown lipstick and visa versa.
With so many choices of lipstick colors, how do you choose a flattering color?
Look at the inside color of your bottom lip. How bright or dull a red or pink is it? You can use this color as a guide when you choose a lipstick. You can go one or two shades darker than this color. Do not go lighter than this color, or more brown or brighter or duller than your inner lip color.
When you choose a color that is an extension of your natural lip color, this color will always be flattering. This will make you look “visually balanced.” When you look “visually balanced,” you appear more attractive. Research has shown that more attractive people are automatically assumed to be intelligent, and honest. When we feel attractive its easier to feel and act confident.
Still unsure which lipstick colors flatter you? With a color analysis you can get a wallet with 40-50 of your most flattering colors from Nancy Goldblatt, Wardrobe Wizard of Baltimore. This wallet includes several shades of your best lipstick and blush colors.
No matter what your age, size or shape you can create an attractive,” visually pleasing appearance.” by wearing flattering colors and flattering styles of clothing.
Nancy Goldblatt, Personal Image Consultant & The Wardrobe Wizard of Baltimore, Maryland is a Color 1 Associate with over 20 years of experience. She is available to do your colors if you live in the Baltimore, Washington corridor. Contact her at 410-235-5325 or nrgoldblatt@gmail.com (Learn to shop your closet and eliminate what doesn’t work, learn to mix and match in new ways and find out what you need to fill in your wardrobe gaps).
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