Flattering earrings can give you a polished, finished appearance.

Think of earrings as a finishing touch or a frame for your face and hair.
No matter how much weight you gain or lose, your earrings will always fit. Earrings are an inexpensive way to freshen your look. They bring the viewers eye up to your face. Depending on the earring you choose, you can look professional in a work setting or creative and carefree when you visit friends or go on a vacation.
It’s especially important to wear earrings, if you are a woman with very short hair, because earrings will give your face a more feminine appearance.
Also, when you have very short hair, earrings that have some dimension (are not flat) will look best on you.
Here are some guidelines for choosing earrings in flattering sizes, shapes and colors.
Earrings to wear in the workplace
Consider choosing an earring that is the size of your eye when it is open. This is considered “classic size.”
Look at either the height or the width of your eye. The earring does not have to be the same shape as your eye.
If your earring is smaller or larger than your open eye, it’s no longer a classic size.
If you work in a very casual environment, you may be able to wear earrings that are larger or smaller than classic size depending on your face and body size and “color type.”
If you wear earring smaller than the iris of your eye they hardly show. (The iris is the part of your eye that has color )
If you are a male who wears an earring, it may be better to wear a small earring. Too large an earring or the wrong shape can take away from your credibility or look too feminine.
Choosing the scale or size of a hanging earring
Measure the distance from the bottom of your nose to the top of your upper lip to find a flattering length for a hanging earring.
- You can also measure from the bottom of your lip to your chin.
- For a longer earring, you can measure the length of your nose. Yes, that’s right, I said, “the nose.” Don’t laugh. When we repeat shapes and proportion of our body and face this creates visual balance.
- If you do not like the length of your nose or if you have a short neck avoid this longer hanging earring because it can emphasize your nose and or your neck.
Choosing a shape to flatter your face
Another way to create visual balanced is to choose an earring that is similar to your face shape.
I realize that most books say the opposite. In other posts I have talked about creating visual harmony by repeating shapes and proportions.
- If you have a predominantly angular face (more straightness than curves) a more geometric shape earring will be pleasing on you.
- If you have a more curved face, a more oval earring will be flattering.
How do you decide if your face is more angular or more curved?
Your face may be a combination of curves and angles.
- Look not only at the outside shape of your face, but the shape of your lips, eyebrows, nose and chin.
- Look at yourself smiling and unsmiling.
- Have a friend look at your profile. Count how many curved elements and how many straight elements or lines you see.
You are more likely to have an angular face.
I say this because after analyzing hundreds of faces, I have found most (but not all) women have angular faces.
As you shop for earrings you may find that many earrings, especially the hanging ones with beads, are predominantly rounded. This will make it more of a challenge to find earrings that have predominantly angular or geometric shapes.
I began making earrings for my clients when I realized this and I am always on the lookout for softened geometric shaped earrings for my clients who have more angular faces.
Choosing flattering colors
If you choose earrings that repeat your natural body colors, particularly your eye color or a naturally occurring highlight in your hair you will be able to wear them with everything you own.
(See JoAnna Nicholson’s book, ‘ Dressing Smart for Women,’ to find out more about color types.)
For example I have very dark brown, almost black hair and very light olive skin. I have hazel green eyes and I look my best in very clear bright colors and shiny metals.

As I have gotten older, my hair is less dark as silver has started to appear. I have found that I can wear shiny silver earrings with everything I own, because it repeats a highlighted color of my hair.
If you still are unsure what earring shape, size, color and metals will look best on you I am available to work with you online at a very reasonable price.
Nancy Goldblatt, “The Wardrobe Wizard of Baltimore,” was trained by Color 1, as a “personal image consultant,” in 1990. She is available to work with you no matter where you live because she can work on-line as well as in person.
She is also available for talks, workshops and fundraisers in Baltimore, Maryland and surroundings areas. Contact her at 410-235-5325 or Nancy@Wardrobewiz.com
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