Are you too far away from Baltimore, Maryland to have an in-person consultation with “The Wardrobe Wizard?”
Or are you so busy you don’t have time during the day to meet for a consultation that takes 3 hours or more. I am launching a new service.
I call it, “Online Wardrobe Makeover and Image Consultation,” by the Wardrobe Wizard.
In the past I have always done “in-person,” consults that included color analysis, face & body-shape analysis and closet shopping. I was limited by geography and was only able to work with people located in the Baltimore-Washington area.
I am now able to do this online using digital photos.
For those of you who are local, I am still available to work with you in-person.
Here is a snippet from one of my first virtual consultations.
Donna works as an Accounting Assistant and she had just returned to school to get her accounting degree. She called me after completing entrepreneurial training from WEB, Women Entrepreneurs of Baltimore. Donna took this WEB training because she wants to become an Image Consultant specializing in accessories. Her business name is “Accessorized, The Image.”
Here is the first picture she sent me

When you close your eyes and then open them again, you eyes will go to the blouse first because its too bright for her. She needs to wear a more toned down red blouse, perhaps in maroon or a brownish red.
Small Changes Make A Big Difference
In this next picture Donna is wearing a top that is a toned down brown. This a brown that is perfect for her gentle coloring. I did put a little lipstick and blush on her and I filled in the end of her eyebrows.

In previous blog posts I have talked about clothes needing to look like they are an extension of you. In the picture above, Donna is wearing a flattering color that does not overpower her delicate coloring.
I also did an online body shape analysis of Donna. Donna has a defined waistline but because she has gained some weight her waistline is not as defined as it used to be. Nevertheless, her best styles will be styles that have some waist definition.
When I helped her shop her closet, I discovered Donna had a lot of unworn pieces of clothing that still had the tags on them.
Most of these were clothes she bought for weddings. Donna’s fashion personality is “timeless classic,” and these piece were too romantic for her and most of them did not have a defined waistline.
She thought, because she was going to a wedding, she should wear something romantic looking.
In the picture below is one top she never wore. Can you guess why?

Donna is 5’7″ but because of her “gentle-muted,” coloring she needs to wear small to medium sized prints in colors that are “toned down,” (not bright).
Besides the print size being too large and too bright, the style of this top is unflattering because it does not have a defined waistline.
OK, she doesn’t have any makeup on, but the deal breaker in the picture above is the unflattering top.

This is from an e-mail I received from Donna a few weeks after the consult. “The consult I had with “The Wardrobe Wizard,” helped me understand why I hardly ever wore my brightly colored clothing and why I never wore the romantic clothing I bought to attend weddings.
After the consult, with my color chart and line drawings of my best styles in hand, I finished going through my closet and removed all of my “too bright clothes,” that had no waist definition. Then with the information I had about combining my colors, I took what was left and made outfits from them.
Now, instead of having a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear, I have fewer clothes and I wear everything.
I contacted several consignment stores but they were only interested in designer label clothing. So I decided to have a yard sale.
My beautiful items, although not designer labels, sold like hot cakes. I have also used my color chart to pick out nail polish and my fingers and toes are looking great.
I just purchased a new pair of glasses based on what I learned during the face shape consult. I can’t wait to pick up my new glasses next week.” Donna W
Think you might be interested in the “Wardrobe Wizard’s,” my new online “Wardrobe Makeover”?
Here’s more information. You will need a digital camera with 12 megapixels or better and have access to a computer. If you don’t have a 12 megapixel digital camera, perhaps you can borrow one. I need specific pictures for the color analysis and specific pictures for the face and body shape analysis, as well as a few body measurements. You only need a webcam if you want me to help you shop your closet.
(I will send you more details when you sign up for the makeover.) Are you ready to save lots of money and look great everyday? To far away to meet in person. Think you might be interested in an Online Wardrobe Makeover?
Call or e-mail to set up a Complimentary 25 minute telephone consult. The telephone consult I am currently offering is FREE, with no obligation, but I only have a few of these slots available each week.
The purpose of the telephone consult is to help you determine what your fashion personality is and to help me better understand what your needs are. Say goodbye to those, “Nothing to wear moments.”
Contact info : Nancy@WardrobeWiz.com, 410-513-9496, WWW.WardrobeWiz.com __________________________________________________________
Nancy Goldblatt, “The Wardrobe Wizard,” is a “Color 1,” Personal Image Consultant who specializes in working with mid-life women whose size and shape has changed and who have too many clothes and “nothing to wear.”
After a woman works with “The Wardrobe Wizard,”she will have a wallet of her best colors and styles, and a pared down closet. She will know how to mix and match her best looks so she can get dressed “lickety split,” and look great everyday.
Say goodbye, to those “nothing to wear,” moments. “The Wardrobe Wizard,” also works with younger women and is available to work with men.
She was trained by Joanna Nicholson, founder of Color 1 Associates an International Image & Style Company.
You do Great Work, Nancy! Thank you so much for going eyeglass shopping with me. It was fun and informational.
And I loved the images you sent me … I could see what various types of glasses looked like on my picture before we went shopping. Though I haven’t gotten my new glasses yet .. I certainly ‘know the rules’ for my face!
Blessings, Rev. Angelica Jayne Taggart
I enjoyed helping you discover the most flattering eyeglasses frames for you. I would like to write a post about our shopping trip for eyeglasses with your permission.