My gift to you for the New Year is a list of 7 of my favorite things. These are products or resources that I use to keep myself healthy and looking good. ( I am not being compensated in any way for recommending these products and resources.)
1. Life Extension Foundation: publishes a magazine with great articles on vitamins and supplements and they sell supplements and have an extensive online website with articles and a discussion forum. It costs $75 to become a member and qualify for member only discounts on blood tests and supplements. You don’t have to be a member to subscribe to their informative magazine (cost is $12 a year) that has easy to understand articles. Latest magazine has articles on “How To Combat Influenza Infection,” “How Vitamin C Protects The Skin,” “Tea Promotes Weight Loss in Over Weight Individuals,” and more. Their excellent website and discussion forum are free.
2. Your Prescription For Health is a business based in Owings Mills, Md run by holistic pharmacists Brian Sanderoff and Raymond Hinish. They have a radio program on 680 am every Sunday morning from 10-12 noon, eastern standard time. If you do not live in the area you can listen on the web and or they podcast their show. Brian and Ray work with Dr. William Pawluk, a conventionally trained Dr. who now works as a complementary Dr. They frequently have guest experts on the show and you can also call in with questions. Your prescription for health discounts their supplements and vitamins and shipping is free if you spend $100 or more. Their website is The website has articles and protocols for various problems. I believe Dr. Hinish also sends out a free e-newsletter to subscribers.
3. X-Clear saline nasal spray contains xylitol. In addition to keeping your mucous membranes moist, it prevents nasal congestion and extensive research says the xylitol in the product prevents bacteria and germs from making you sick. Find more about it at:
4. I am now taking 5000 mg of vitamin d3 for my immune system. (Get it at your local vitamin store, its not expensive) I learned about the importance of D3 first from listening to “Your Prescription for Health.” Since I learned about it about a year ago,I have encountered many articles about the importance of vitamin D3.
5.. I originally began taking Magnesium Citrate for muscle tension. I have discovered its also good to prevent constipation and since its a natural muscle relaxant it helps decrease anxiety. I take a powder product called MagnaCalm that I get from Your Prescription for Health. There are lots of different Magnesium products available.
6. My newest favorite television show is “The Dr. Oz Show.” Dr. Oz is a heart surgeon who was discovered by Oprah. He makes learning about health fun. I have recently learned how high blood pressure can cause kidney disease and I now know what “healthy poop looks like.” He has the “No embarrassment Zone,” where audience members can ask any medical question. He also has a “Truth Tube,” where people can discover their “real age,” based on their body measurements, weight and life style. Watching his show has inspired me to begin a regular exercise program.
7. Dr. Daniel Amen is another Dr. who makes learning fun. He is a neuropsychiatrist who has been studying the brain and taking pictures of the brain for over 20 years. He has written about 6 or 7 books and his newest book “Change Your Brain, Change Your Body,’ will be out in February 2010. I originally discovered Dr. Amen on PBS. “Change Your Brain, Change Your Life,” “Your Miraculous Brain,” and “The Brain In Love,” periodically get re shown on PBS. They are also now on DVD. He now sells his many books, dvd’s and cd’s on his website. His website also has lots of free articles and tests. The latest free tests are ADD and subtypes of ADD. (In addition to being “The Wardrobe Wizard,” I am a psychotherapist) In my psychotherapy practice I have been using his materials to help me better diagnose and treat my clients. His main website is You can also go to to see before and after treatment pictures of brains with different problems. Subscribe to his free newsletter, you will learn lots of great information about taking care of your brain. What is good for the brain, is good for the rest of you.
My wish for each of you is a “healthy and happy,” 2010.
What are some of your favorite things that help you to be your most beautiful inside and out? Please share with others your favorite things in the comments section of this blog.
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