The term “ready to wear,” implies that you can buy something off the rack and wear it immediately.
“Ready to wear,” clothes are proportioned for a fit model who is very tall and perfectly proportioned. This does not describe what most of us look like. The truth is that very few women can put on a ” ready to wear item” and not need some alterations.
So how much should you shorten something? You can “eye ball it,” but there is a more accurate way to determine vertical alterations, its called Fashion Fit Formula.
When I first discovered the ” Fashion Fit Formula,” I already looked good because as a professional image consultant I knew my best colors and styles. but I did not know everything. I am short and I do not have a defined waistline, so I always wear a layered look with a jacket or long blouse over a shell. I discovered I was wearing my tops too long and this made my legs look shorter. I also have short arms and I did not know my best sleeve length. I discovered my best coat lengths, skirt lengths, and pant lengths with the Fashion Fit Formula.
. I can use this system no matter what my weight because it looks at vertical, not horizontal measurements. If your have spine curvature, this system will tell you the best lengths for both the left and right side of your body.
Do you get attached to your clothes and have difficulty parting with them? One way to refresh and update the clothes you can’t part with, is to alter them so that they are in perfect proportion to your head and body.
Janet Wood is the developer of the Fashion Fit Formula. She has developed a formula based on 12 vertical measurements that will take your existing wardrobe and any new clothes you buy from looking frumpy to fabulous with a few simple alterations.
This cost-effective investment will transform your current wardrobe and make simple alterations on any new purchases well worth the effort or money. The cost of this service has come down since I purchased my Fashion Fit Formula. There is a kit for men and a kit for women. I believe current cost is $50 for the basic kit. Go to http://WWW.FashionFitFormula.com
(The Wardrobe Wizard has not received any compensation for this recommendation)
Nancy Goldblatt, “The Wardrobe Wizard,” is a “Color 1,” Personal Image Consultant who specializes in working with mid-life women whose size and shape has changed and who have too many clothes and “nothing to wear.”
The Wardrobe Wizard, is available to work with you no matter where you live. If you live in Baltimore, Md or surrounding areas she can work with you in person. If you live other places, she can work with you on-line using digital pictures.
After a woman works with “The Wardrobe Wizard,”she will have a wallet of her best colors and styles, and a pared down closet. She will learn how to mix and match her best looks so she can get dressed “lickety split,” and look great everyday.
“The Wardrobe Wizard,” also works with younger women and is available to work with men. She was trained by Joanna Nicholson, founder of Color 1 Associates, an International Image & Style Company.