Because only 50% of people look good in “pure bright white.” For the other 50% of you, “bright white,” will look harsh and or wash you out. Everyone can wear “winter white,” which is a less intense white. When wearing “winter white,” be careful not to pick a white that has yellow in it.
Can you guess which shade of white is most flattering to Michelle Obama? Take a look at recent pictures of her in a pure white top. Do you look at her or the top first? Can you guess what shade of white Oprah looks the best in? What about Jessica Simpson and Hillary Clinton?
Find the answers at the end of this post.
How can you determine which white is your best white?
Use the “blink test.” Stand 5 feet from a mirror in good light , put on or drape a pure white item over your top half and close your eyes and then quickly open them. Where does your eye go first? If it goes to the white before your face, the white is too bright for you. If you look at your face and the white at the same time and your eyes sparkle and your skin looks fresh and radiant you may be able to wear bright white.
You need to take something else into consideration when you are choosing the right shade of white. What color are your teeth? Even if the pure white works with your skin, if it makes your teeth look yellow or grey you may be better off wearing “winter white,” at least near your face. Speaking of teeth, if pure white does not flatter your skin, if you ” over whiten.” your teeth this can make your teeth look like they are false teeth. I am not against whitening teeth, I am just cautioning against over-whitening them.
(Answer to questions) Michelle Obama looks better in “winter white.” Bright white is too bright on her because she has “muted.” coloring. Oprah also looks her best in “winter white.” Jessica Simpson and Hillary Clinton both look great in ” bright white.”
*For more information on choosing colors get Joanna Nicholson’s books, “Dressing Smart for Women,” and “Dressing Smart for Men.”
Nancy Goldblatt is a professionally trained, personal image consultant. She was trained by Color 1 Associates. She specializes in working with women in Baltimore and surrounding areas whose weight or shape has changed and or who have lots of clothes and “nothing to wear.” Reach her at Nancy@wardrobewiz.com or 410-235-5325. She offers a complimentary initial telephone consult to help you determine if her services are right for you. She also works with men, and groups in the Baltimore-Washington corridor.