What’s keeping you from looking your best right now? If you are a woman, you will probably say.“My weight,” or a particular body part thats too big, like your stomach.
So You Think You Have to Lose Weight Before Hiring An Image Consultant
Many of the women who contact me say they have to lose weight before they can use my services. They assume that when they hire an image consultant, they will have to throw out their entire closet and buy a whole new wardrobe because they have seen this happen on television shows like “What Not to Wear.”
When I work with a client my goal is to help a woman make the most of her existing wardrobe. That means teaching her what colors and styles are most flattering and teaching her how to shop her closet using a chart of her best colors and line drawings of flattering clothing for her face and body.
This is information that can be used for a lifetime no matter what the fashion trends are
Stop putting your life on hold while you are trying to lose weight. You can look beautiful while you work on your weight.
Contact Nancy Goldblatt, “The Wardrobe Wizard,” today by e-mail: Nancy@WardrobeWiz.com or call 410-235-5325 to set up a 20 minute complimentary no obligation consult to see if her services are right for you.