When I was in my twenties I bought a dress that I called “my princess dress.” One of my favorite childhood stories was “The Princess & The Pea.” I secretly believed I must be a princess because I was so sensitive. If you think about how Fiona from the movie Shreck looked before she turned into an ogre, this was my image of a princess. My princess dress looked like the dress Fiona wore. It was dark blue velvet with a deep v neckline and princess darts. It narrowed at the waist and had a soft flowing A line skirt and it was long. This was many years ago before Shreck had been made and my idea of what a princess wore came from my viewing Walt Disney’s Sleeping Beauty.
I put that dress on many times, but was never able to wear it out of the house because instead of looking like a princess, I looked like a stuffed sausage. The dress was my size but even when I exercised and toned up and lost a few pounds, I never looked good in it. It hung in my closet for several years unworn. Finally, I gave it to a friend of mine who had similar coloring to me and was the same height, and weight as me. The minute she pulled it over her head she look like a princess.
Why did she look so wonderful in the dress and why did I look so awful in the dress? The answer is body shape. I have a wide waist and narrow hips and she had a narrow waist and wider hips. The dress narrowed where I widened and widened where I narrowed. My narrow parts were hidden and my wider parts were emphasized by the style of the dress. My friend look fantastic because the dress shape dress was an extension of her body shape.
Body shapes have both curved and straight lines but there will be a predominance of more curves or more straight lines. If your body shape is more curved, clothing with waist definition will be more flattering. If your body is straighter, like mine, clothing without waist definition will be more flattering.. Choosing clothing that widens where your body widens and narrows where your body narrows will help you to feel comfortable and look your bestl everyday.
What do you have in your closet that you haven’t been able to wear? Do you know why you haven’t worn it?
Nancy Goldblatt, “Wardrobe Wizard of Baltimore,” is a professionally trained personal image consultant. She works with individuals and groups in Baltimore and surrounding areas. Contact her at nrgoldblatt@gmail.com or 410-235-5325. www.WardrobeWiz.com/
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