Have you secretly wanted to become an Image Consultant but think you are too old? I wanted to become an Image Consultant when I was in my 30’s but thought I was too old, too short and too fat. It took me 10 years to overcome my gremlins. I hope it won’t take you so long, if this is a dream of yours.
Story About A 85 Year Old Color 1 Associate
Joyce Harris, another Color 1 Associate who previously was in charge of makeup orders told me this story last year. Another Color 1 Associate aged 85 sells makeup like crazy. She lives in a senior citizens building and has a large client base. I don’t know how long she has been an Associate, but if she was trained when Joanna Nicholson and Judy Lewis Crum started Color 1, 35 years ago she would have been 50 years old or older when she got trained.
Joyce told me the dilemma this Color 1 Associate was facing was that her clients were asking her if they should wear more pastel or toned down colors since they were getting older. They had heard a myth that as we get older we should change the color’s in makeup and clothes that we wear. She had told them not to change their colors as they got older, but they were having difficulty believing her.
I suggested to Joyce that she tell this Associate to take a picture of each of her clients with the right makeup and clothing colors and then take a second picture with more pastel makeup and clothing colors and let them see the difference.
Wardrobe Wizard Tip
You can do this also when you go shopping for new clothes. Its difficult to be objective when you look in a mirror, but when you see a picture of yourself its easier to be objective because it’s like looking at someone else.
Use your camera phone or a digital camera when trying on clothes to help you determine which colors and styles flatter you. You will be surprised at how much easier it is to use a camera rather than a mirror when choosing flattering colors and styles.
Are you interested in being trained as an Image Consultant? The best training around is from Color 1 Associates. The next training is on the East Coast in Boston, Mass. , Feb 27th -Mar 3, 2012. Be sure to let Leslie Stott know you heard about the training from the Wardrobe Wizard, Nancy Goldblatt
News Release
Color 1 Associates, is holding a 6 day training of new Color 1 Associates, Feb 27 – Mar 3 in Boston, MA. Contact Leslie@thecolorlady.com. Although this training is perfect for Stylists, Image Consultants, & the beauty industry, many take this training for the knowledge it provides. (Photographers, artists, decorators, seamstresses) Time is of the essence, there is some pre-studying to be done.
What’s keeping you from following your dreams? Please comment, I promise to respond to your questions and comments.___________________________________________
“The Wardrobe Wizard,” is available to work with you no matter where you live. If you live in Baltimore, Md or surrounding areas she can work with you in person. If you live other places, she can work with you on-line using digital pictures.
Nancy Goldblatt, “The Wardrobe Wizard,” is a “Color 1,” Personal Image Consultant who specializes in working with mid-life women whose size and shape has changed and who have too many clothes and “nothing to wear.”
After a woman works with “The Wardrobe Wizard,”she will have a wallet of her best colors and styles, and a pared down closet. She will learn how to mix and match her best looks so she can get dressed “lickety split,” and look great everyday.
“The Wardrobe Wizard,” also works with younger women and is available to work with men. She was trained by Joanna Nicholson, founder of Color 1 Associates, an International Image & Style Company.
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